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Authentic Cartridge Boxes
.50 Caliber Cartridge Box For a Gallagher or Maynard Cavalry Carbine
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CORRECTION! This box WILL NOT fit a Smith cartridge but a Gallagher fits perfectly. This is a very nice looking leather cartridge box for a .50 caliber Civil War cavalry carbine. This is the classic design that was to be carried by one of the mounted troopers that were lucky enough to have one of the state of the art carbines instead of a rifle or musket. The inner flap on this one has the maker's mark of the firm of W. Kinsey who was located in Newark, New Jersey. The maker's book shows that they had a contract on December 14th 1864 to make the Government 15,000 sets of cavalry accoutrements. It still has the original closure tab present as well as the brass finial on the bottom of the box. The bottom of the box also has had both of the original iron roller buckles removed long ago. When you lift the outer flap it reveals the inner flap as well as the implement pouch on the innermost body. In the innermost compartment it has most of the original wooden block remaining. The block is the correct measurement for a .50 caliber cartridge. This is a great size because it would mean it would be appropriate to display beside your Gallagher carbine. That covers a lot of ground with one cartridge box. On the back of the box it has both of the original leather belt loops intact. This is a beautiful displaying .50 caliber Civil War Gallagher cavalry carbine cartridge box.

Item #: B8347
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price:$295.00 USD
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