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Original Civil War Era Carte-de-Visite Images of Union Generals
1862 Dated From-Life CDV Image of General McClellan & Wife Mary
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Here is a fine original Civil War era CDV image of Union General George B. McClellan and his wife. The face of the card is a from-life image of the General in his General uniform with his wife, Mary, seated in front of him. The view is from the full-length and he has a very stately look. These were often sold in quantity to people on the home front that wanted to see what the men they read about in the papers looked like. Just below the image it reads "MAJ GEN G. B. McCLELLAN & Lady". Below that marking is "Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1862, by R.W. Addis, in the clerk's Office in District Court of the District of Columbia." The back of the card is marked by the Addis firm. This is a fine image!

Item #: B7869
Shipping Weight: 0.6 lb
Your Price:$125.00 USD
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