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Longarms - Flintlock Muskets
Authentic Artifacts from the Revolutionary War Era thru About 1840
Winner, Nippes & Steinman Made US Model 1808 Flintlock only 4,126 Delivered
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I love the look of this gun! It has the look like the soldier brought it home from service and it wasn't touched for 200 years. It is a beautifully designed early United States weapon that is over 200 years old. This is the 69 caliber smoothbore flintlock musket that is officially known as the US model 1808 contract flintlock. In 1808 Congress authorized 19 gunmakers to produce a total of 82,500 muskets. Approximately half of these were eventually produced and delivered. This one was produced in Philadelphia and is vividly marked on the tail of the lock plate "W.N. & S. " over "PHILAD". In front of the hammer it has the Union Eagle with the "US" lettering below. This was the marking used by the firm owned by James Winner, Abraham Nippes and John Steinman of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In Flayderman's guide he states they had a contract for 9,000 muskets and it is believed that only 4,126 of those were delivered. This gun is in the original flintlock configuration and the mechanics work on both positions. The barrel of the gun is still full-length at 44-5/8ths. The stock is a deep rich dark tone Walnut wood that displays quite well. On the flat of the stock opposite of the lockplate it has the inspector cartouche still visible with the "V/ DP" marking. These are the initials of Daniel Pettibone. The inspector marks book states that he only inspected weapons for four months in 1809. So we know when this gun would have been made. The gun has some wood fill to the wood around the buttplate but still displays well. It has the well made reproduction ramrod in the channel underneath the barrel. Both of the sling swivels are still fully functional under the gun as well. This is a great looking original early flintlock from a tough to find maker.

Item #: B7490
Shipping Weight: 15 lbs
Your Price:$2,495.00 USD
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