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Authentic Cartridge Boxes
Nice Looking War of 1812 Era 24 Slot Compartment Cartridge Box
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This is a cool early 1800s cartridge box that displays beautifully. This is the version that has the wooden block with the 24 holes on the inside that holds the .69 caliber cartridges. The style box has curve back to the design which is why collectors have always referred to it as a "belly" cartridge box. This one has the original wooden block intact and is made without the internal implement pouch. The original closure strap is still present. On the back of the box it has one of the original two belt loops still remaining. This is the thick style of cartridge box with a and overall size of the box measures 9-1/2 inches by 4 inches by 3-1/2 inches. The cartridge box has been coated with a leather preservative which now displays well. What a great cartridge box to display with your early 1800s military musket.

Item #: B7321
Shipping Weight: 3 lbs
Your Price:$595.00 USD
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