Here is a nice authentic 1863 dated Confederate States of America $1,000.00 savings bond. The special thing about this one is that it is the "C.S. Cotton Coupon Loan". If you notice the coupons have this wording and are payable in currency or cotton either one. They also note that they are only payable at New Orleans, Mobile, Savannah, Charleston, Wilmington, Richmond or Norfolk. This is the beautiful style that has the image in the center of Confederate Cabinet Member James A. Seddon (1815-1800) who served as Confederate Secretary of War from November 1862 to January of 1865. Seddon graduated from the University of Virginia Law School and served in the U.S. Congress until 1851 because of poor health. This declining health forced his retirement from Confederate service in 1865. It was lithographed by the famous company Evans & Cogswell of Columbia, South Carolina. This one has all of the original coupons attached at the bottom. When the date on the coupon arrived that is printed on the bottom of the coupon you could cash it in for your interest payment, if the Confederacy would have won. You don't see these often with the full amount of coupons. It was never signed or numbered by the Confederate Government. That always makes a neat thing to point out when you show the bond to your friends. This is the style listed as CR-138 in the Confederate bond book and as B280 in the Ball book of Confederate Bonds. In the lower right hand corner, it has the red ink C.S. Treasury stamp. This will make a fine display as it is or it will look even better framed up on you office or relic room wall.