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Authtentic Military Images
New York Cavalryman with His Sword and Belt 6th Plate Ambrotype
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This is a neat looking 6th plate ambrotype image of a Civil War Union cavalryman in his officer frock style military coat. On his shoulders' you can see his first lieutenant shoulder insignia. On his head he has the forage style military hat and you can see the crossed saber insignia denoting that he served int he cavalry. These ambrotype images were produced by applying the image to a sheet of glass. This is the size that is known to collectors as the sixth plate size. It measures about 2.75 inches by 3.25 inches in overall size. This image is nice and clear. The image shows the seated view of the soldier and the has his eagle pommel officer's sword cradled in his arm. This is the classic style of saber used by the Union soldiers before and in the early days of the War. Around his waist he has the sword belt rig visible. The image is in the leatherette case has the patriotic brass mat and glass intact. The top of the case edge is separated and is mentioned for exactness. On the outside of the case it has the photographer marking of the Meade Brothers Exchange in Albany, New York. This is a great looking tintype image of an armed cavalryman.

Item #: B6971
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Your Price:$495.00 USD
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