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Union Veteran Items - Iowa & Ohio
Misc. Non-Excavated
Des Moines, Iowa G.A.R. CrockerPost Camp Mourning Badge
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This is a fine piece of history from a Civil War veteran. It is an original reunion badge that was worn by a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. This was the veteran's organization of the Union veterans of the Civil War. In order to become a member of the organization you had to prove that you served honorably for the United States during the war. This is the badge that the veteran would have worn for funerals of the members. It has the black ribbon and in the white ribbon and it has the celluloid with the battle scene. At the bottom it has the Des Moines, Iowa location as well as noting it was for the Crocker Post No. 12. The original attachment pin is intact on the reverse of the top bar. The top bar has the GAR medal image. The ribbon displays well as you can see.

Item #: B3613
Shipping Weight: 0.6 lb
Your Price:$69.00 USD
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