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Authentic Military and Official United States Government Documents
Civil War Documents
Illinois National Guard Discharge for John F. Heine of the 3rd Illinois Dated 1884
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Here is a neat piece that is framed up and ready for your wall. It is an 1884 dated discharge from the state of Illinois. It is on pre-printed paper from the state of Illinois for the discharge of John F. Heine. He was being discharged from the 3rd regiment of Illinois National Guard. It is dated in ink from December 30th 1884. It is framed in a frame that measures 12-1/4th inches by 16-1/2 inches. The paper that is visible measures 7-1/4th inches by 9-1/2 inches. It is ready for your wall.

Item #: B2677
Shipping Weight: 6 lbs
Your Price:$79.00 USD
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