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Non-Dug Items Used by Soldiers and on the Homefront
Authentic Artifacts from the Revolutionary War Era thru About 1840
Very Cool Large Size Wooden "Drum" Style Canteen
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Here is a very cool looking piece. This is an original wooden canteen from the early to mid 1800's. This is the pattern that is made like the classic wooden canteen from the War of 1812 era except much bigger. This big canteen measures 10-5/8ths inches across and is a whopping 5-1/2 inches thick. On the top it has the hole open where the a spout would have been at one time. The wood has a gorgeous ancient look all over. On one side it has a couple of letters carved into the wood. The last couple of images show what the size of this canteen is compared tot hat of the Confederate manufactured ones. This one is a keeper!

Item #: A2392
Shipping Weight: 5 lbs
Your Price:$395.00 USD
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