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Non-Excavated Civil War Era Buttons From States of the Union That Start With A-M
Coat Size Connecticut State Seal button With Questionable Backmark
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This is an excellent non-dug coat size Civil War button for the state of Connecticut. The seal is beautiful on the front with some of the gold gilding still present down in the recesses. The state seal of Connecticut shows the grape vines on an elliptical field and has the Latin motto "Qui Transtulit Sustinet". This translates to English as "He who transplanted continues to sustain." The grapevines symbolize the community of Puritan believers transported from the old world and planted in the fertile ground of America. The original back and shank are intact on the back. It has the "EXTRA+*+QUALITY+*+" backmark. This is the style listed as CT13 in Albert's button book and as CT205b3 in Tice's button book. Tice states that this backmark was made after the Civil War but it is constructed just like the Civil War button so he must have known something I don't. This one is definitely a button of keeper quality!

Item #: L284
Shipping Weight: 0.4 lb
Your Price:$45.00 USD
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